Redridge Mountains

在腾讯云 COS 上部署静态网站服务

介绍如何利用腾讯云 COS 来部署静态网站,比如:博客,Next.js 前端资源部署等。 分为如下几个步骤:

  1. 创建 COS 存储桶
  2. 配置存储桶为静态网站
  3. 关联 CDN 并配置域名访问存储桶

这些步骤可以通过登录腾讯云控制台手动操作,但步骤繁琐。通过 IaC (Infrastructure as Code) 的方式部署更高效,不易出错。这里使用流行的 IaC 工具 Terraform 来部署。

首先了解如何安装和使用 Terraform

设置 Terraform 基本信息

需要先在腾讯云控制台创建一个子账号供 Terraform 使用:

  1. 禁用密码登录。
  2. 仅供 API 调用使用。

复制密钥 secret 并填写到下面的 terraform.tfvars 文件中,

# terraform.tfvars
secret_id = "your_secret_id"
secret_key = "your_secret_key"
availability_region = "ap-singapore"
availability_zone = "ap-singapore-4"
$ echo 'terraform.tfvars' >> .gitignore # 在版本库中忽略该文件 文件中填写相关的变量,比如域名,CDN 配置。

variable "secret_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "Secret ID"
  # sensitive   = true

variable "secret_key" {
  type        = string
  description = "Secret Key"
  sensitive   = true

variable "availability_region" {
  type        = string
  description = "Region"
  default     = "ap-singapore"

variable "availability_zone" {
  type        = string
  description = "Zone"
  default     = "ap-singapore-4"

variable "uin" {
  type        = string
  default     = "100000xxxxxx"

variable "sub_domain" {
  type        = string
  default     = "assets"

variable "domain" {
  type        = string
  default     = ""

variable "cdn_area" {
  type        = string
  default     = "overseas"   # mainland, overseas
terraform {
  required_providers {
    tencentcloud = {
      source = "tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud"
      # version = "1.81.82"

provider "tencentcloud" {
  secret_id   = var.secret_id
  secret_key  = var.secret_key
  region      = var.availability_region
output "bucket_endpoint" {
  value =

创建 COS 存储桶

  1. 存储桶私有读写。
  2. 公开访问只能通过 CDN。
data "tencentcloud_user_info" "example" {}

locals {
  # uin = data.tencentcloud_user_info.example.uin
  uin = var.uin
  app_id = data.tencentcloud_user_info.example.app_id
  bucket_name = "${replace(var.sub_domain, ".", "-")}-${replace(var.domain, ".", "-")}-${local.app_id}"

# Bucket for static website
resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "example" {
  # Bucket format should be [custom name]-[appid].
  bucket = local.bucket_name
  acl    = "private"

  website {
    index_document = "index.html"
    error_document = "404.html"

  # cors_rules {
  #   allowed_origins = ["http://*"]
  #   allowed_methods = ["PUT", "POST"]
  #   allowed_headers = ["*"]
  #   max_age_seconds = 300
  #   expose_headers  = ["Etag"]
  # }

resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_policy" "example" {
  depends_on = [ tencentcloud_cos_bucket.example ]
  bucket = local.bucket_name

  policy = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "Statement": [
      "Principal": {
        "qcs": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [

resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_object" "example" {
  bucket = local.bucket_name
  key    = "404.html"
  source = "404.html"

创建 404.html 文件,提供更友好的 404 页面:

$ echo '<html><head><title>404</title></head><body>Page not found.</body></html>' > 404.html


locals {
  cdn_domain = "${var.sub_domain}.${var.domain}"

resource "tencentcloud_cdn_domain" "example" {
  domain       = local.cdn_domain
  service_type = "web"
  area         = var.cdn_area

  cache_key {
    full_url_cache = "off"

  origin {
    origin_type          = "cos"
    origin_list          = []
    server_name          =
    origin_pull_protocol = "follow" # http, https and follow
    cos_private_access   = "on"

  https_config {
    https_switch         = "off"
    http2_switch         = "off"
    ocsp_stapling_switch = "off"
    spdy_switch          = "off"
    verify_client        = "off"

关联 CDN 并配置域名访问存储桶

# Create a dns record
resource "tencentcloud_dnspod_record" "example" {
  depends_on = [ tencentcloud_cdn_domain.example ]
  domain      = var.domain
  sub_domain  = var.sub_domain
  record_type = "CNAME"
  record_line = "默认"
  value       = tencentcloud_cdn_domain.example.cname
  # depends_on  = [tencentcloud_cos_bucket.example]

# # Filter dns records
# data "tencentcloud_dnspod_records" "example" {
#   domain    = ""
#   subdomain = "www"
#   depends_on  = [tencentcloud_dnspod_record.example]
# }

# output "dns_record" {
#   value = data.tencentcloud_dnspod_records.example.result
# }

运行 Terraform

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply --auto-approve
# $ terraform destroy --auto-approve

注意:每次创建新的存储桶时,要复制此目录,并删除 .tfstate 文件。不然就是在之前的桶上修改,而不是创建新的。